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Regard du Lit

Posted by Opera Gallery Singapore

14 May, 2020

Regard du Lit

Price On Request

Oil on Canvas
78,8 x 39,4 in (200 x 100 x cm)

Li Tianbing : An artist showing distinguished art in his paintings

Li Tianbing left his own country, with a few photos in his pocket of him as a child in his city of birth. Not that in the West of the period this was characteristic of the most fashionable art: the predominating esthetic concept both in private galleries and in museums, and as a consequence in the art schools, preferred conceptual aspects to technical and formal ones. This was an imposition that Postmodernism is still influenced by, despite the fact that the 'eighties were typified by a return to paintings, even to the "easel painting" so despised by that part of Western culture influenced by the

Idea’s of the American Clement Greenberg.

Li Tianbing in his art impeccably influences for his uniqueness in his paintings

Like Arshile Gorky, Li Tianbing has been receptive to many influences and has looked closely at various protagonists of the European art scene. In other words, like Gorky, Li Tianbing has cannibalized the experiences of others to the point of making them the basis of his personal expression, which is why we Europeans find him in his art as one of the most interesting Chinese painters of his generation. But differently to what happened with Gorky, Li Tianbing in his paintings have never painted nothing that does not contain the seeds, matrices, and symbolism of his culture of origin

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