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Jean Fillioux Moulin Rouge XO Cognac

Posted by Cognac Expert

15 May, 2020

Jean Fillioux Moulin Rouge XO Cognac


Brand: Jean Fillioux Cognac

Jean Fillioux Moulin Rouge XO Cognac was created to mark and celebrate more than a century of tradition, savoir-faire, and beauty from this truly traditional cognac house. This Grande Champagne cognac was so named because both the infamous 'Moulin Rouge' and the house of Jean Fillioux were both founded in the 19th century.

This wondeful, old, amber colored cognac provides magnificent aromas of vanilla, orange marmalade, peears, quince, bananas, citrus fruits, old port, and hints of tropical fruit. As its namesake delights with a magical ballet of feather spangles and sequins, so the cognac entertains your senses with its subtle aromas and exquisite flavors - a truly round, sumptous and noble cognac that will impress even the most discerning of palates.

Cognac age:XO

Growth area:Grande Champagne

Bottle size:700ml


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